Digital Portfolio Reflection


Wow! My time here is just about coming to an end.

As I finish up my digital portfolio creation, I have been reflecting on the entire experience as a whole–this blog, configuring my website and uploading posts, establishing an academic Twitter with regular tweets, participating on the AP Bio Rockstars blogspot website, etc.

I am very grateful for having had the opportunity to make my online presence something that I’m proud of! Being able to show your work to the rest of the world is a gratifying sentiment.

Something that becomes increasingly valuable is having a favorable digital footprint, which I feel we’ve been able to craft throughout my time in AP Biology.


Back when I was applying to colleges and submitting applications, I was actually able to provide the link to my bio blog to schools who asked for an optional website/student portfolio of sorts. I was very happy to have something that set me apart. If they wanted to know more about me as a person, student, or scientist, they could gather a lot from skimming a post or two on The Bio Bunch!

One of the more challenging things that have cropped up during this process was the need to constantly keep up with it. Some things were bound to be forgotten at some point or another–if I posted something on my blog, did I tweet about it? Do I have a comment on it? Did I submit the link to my teacher?–etc.

In the process, however, I took away valuable skills such as communication, time management, and more. I am so glad that I have this digital portfolio. It will be fun to look back at in years to come!

One thought on “Digital Portfolio Reflection”

  1. Savanna, What a joy it has been to have you in class again for another year! I have been impressed by you ever since your BTC during Honors Bio. You are so curious, thoughtful, creative, and dedicated to learning. You have many talents and skills that will continue to help you succeed. I just re-read your personal pledge on your site and you are right on. You certainly made this year count, utilizing all your resources and being curious and passionate about learning. Keep developing your voice and expression through blogging and media making. You have a talent for clearly explaining tough content. How blessed am I to have been part of your NDB journey. Remember that I am only a tweet away!


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